The club inaugurated on 30/01/2020 Sreedevi Varma, (archeologist and travel writer) at G2 seminar hall. The programme was presided by Suja Karappath (club coordinator), presidential address given by Dr. S Sunil Kumar (Principal, SN College, Kollam). The chief guest Sreedevi Varma has delivered lecture on the culture of himachal Pradesh. Discussion of one hour about the topic was followed. Dr.SV Manoj (IQAC Coordinator) and Dr.Ambili S delivered facilitations for the club. Lijo Lawrence (Student Coordinator,EBSB club) commented vote of thanks The documentary film Boom-One day ahead of democracy about Malana village in Himachal Pradesh was screened in the afternoon session.

By Published On: January 30th, 2020Categories: College News, Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Club Activities

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