• All students are responsible to observe the rules and regulations that may be framed from time to time by the institute.
  • Students should handle college properties with care and help to keep the institute clean and take care to preserve and maintain greeneries in the campus.
  • Students must bring the eatables in tiffin boxes and maintain the classrooms neat and tidy.
  • Students should not write, carve or paint anything on any part of the college building, walls, furniture etc.
  • No student is allowed to enter or leave the classroom when the session is on without the permission of the teacher.
  • Students shall not roam about verandas and corridors during working hours.
  • Students are not allowed to stand or move about the verandas or do anything which might disturb the classes during working hours.
  • No notice, petition etc. of any kind shall be circulated among students for publicity without the permission of the Principal.
  • No meeting or function of any kind shall be held on the campus without the prior permission of the Principal.
  • Political activism is strictly banned on the campus. Students are forbidden to organise or attend meetings other than the official ones.
  • Students shall not take active part in political agitations directed against the Government or the Management.
  • Students on strike are strictly prohibited from entering the veranda or the class room or shouting slogans on the campus.
  • All strikes, demonstrations, agitations, dharnas, hartals and the like are banned on the college campus. Students who violate this rule shall be dismissed summarily.
  • Political activities are summarily banned on the college campus. Students engaging in any such activity which may cause disruption to classes or disturbance on the college campus are liable to be dismissed from the college.
  • Students are strictly prohibited from holding meetings or collecting any fund without the written permission of the Principal.
  • Smoking, chewing, snuffing and other unwholesome practices are strictly prohibited on the campus, regular attendance, insubordination to teachers, indifference in class, habitual mischief-making obscenity in deeds or words are sufficient reasons for suspension or dismissal of a student from the college.
  • Minor offences are punishable with fine.
  • Malpractices at exams and test papers will be severely dealt with.
  • Any genuine grievance of students may be brought to the notice of the Principal either directly or through the group tutor.
  • The Principal is the final authority in the interpretation of the college byelaws and he reserves the right to frame and enforce rules governing the conduct of students in the class rooms and on the campus.
  • All students admitted to the college should keep with them their Identity cards, with recent passport size photographs, duly attested by the Principal. The students should produce their Identity cards as and when the teaching staff, office staff or any other members of the college service demand it.
  • Mobile phones are banned in the campus (For Students).



  • Those who secure a minimum of 75% attendance during the semester only will be allowed to register for the End Semester Examinations. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class.
  • No student can abstain himself/herself from a class without prior permission.
  • In case of absence on account of illness, a medical certificate is to be produced.
  • Condonation of attendance to a maximum of 10 days in a semester, subject to a maximum of two times during the whole period of the U.G. and P.G. programme, may be granted by the University.
  • Union activities, meetings of the University bodies and participation in extracurricular activities will be treated as present for the above purposes on production of participation/ attendance certificate in such activities, subject to a maximum of 10 days in a semester.
  • Students whose attendance falls below the minimum of 75% shall apply for condonation through the Principal to the University.
  • Application for condonation should be forwarded at least 10 days before the commencement of the university examinations. Fee for condonation for attendance shortage up to 10 days is Rs. 100.