Chemistry Department
Prof. (Dr.) S. V. Manoj
[email protected]
+91 9446900213
Edu. Qualifications
- M.Sc
- Ph.D.
Areas of Interest/Specialisation
- Physical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry
Courses/subject Taught
- UG and PG
Field of Research
- Chemical Kinetics
- Environmental sciences
Guideship Details
- Research Guide, University of Kerala
- 16 years of teaching experience
Scholarships/Fellowships Obtained
- JRF (DST) 1995-97
- SRF (CSIR) 1997-98
Papers Published
- Efficient Photocatalytic Charge Separation at Anatase–Hematite Heterojunctions with a Tuned Three-Dimensional Cocatalytic NiO Support,TC Bhagya, L Elias, SV Manoj, SMA Shibli,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 61 (34), 12415-12426(2022)
- Interfacial charge separation of nickel phosphide anchored on anatase-hematite heterojunction for stimulating visible light driven hydrogen generation,TC Bhagya, L Elias, J Kiss, Z Kónya, SV Manoj, SMA Shibli,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (56), 23593-23607(2022)
- Synthesis and Evaluation of Fe(III) Embedded Silane Grafted Layered Double Hydroxide with Reduced Graphene Oxide Support as an Efficient Adsorbent for V(V) and Se(IV) from Aqueous Systems, S. Suma S. Seema , S.V. Manoj,V.S. Sumi, Rijith Sreenivas, Asian Journal of Chemistry 33(6):1309-1318(2021)
- B. Ambili Raj, S. V. Manoj. Efficient photoluminescence from 1-(2-Naphthoyl)-3,3,3-trifluroacetonate complex of Eu3+ with bidentate neutral donors. International Journal of Materials Research. 2021;112(12): 949-954.
- Arun. V; Manoj SV and Ambili Raj DB (2021): Synthesis and Spectral Characterization Copper(II) Schiff Base Complex Derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 40C (Chemistry), No. 2, July-December 2021, 90-95.
- D B Ambiliraj, S V Manoj and B S Vinbod, Sensitized luminescence from novel pyrazolone based β diketonate complex of Eu3+, Bulletin of pure and applied sciences, Vol.37C,1,64-69 (2018).
- Suma. S, Manoj.S.V., Chithra.P.G., Analysis of effluents discharged to Ashtamudi Lake from china clay industries , International Journal of Chemistry Research, Vol 3, Issue 1, 2012.
- Manoj S V, Sharma M, Mudgal P and Gupta K S, Kinetics of iron(III) catalysed autoxidation of aqueous sulphur(IV) in acetate buffered medium. Trans Met Chem. 33, 311-316 (2008)
- K S Gupta, Usha Jain, Abhilasha Singh, R K Mehta, S V Manoj, D S N Prasad,Ashok Sharma, P Parashar,S P Bansal Kinetics and mechanism of the Osmium(VIII) catalysed autoxidation of aqueous sulfur dioxide in acidic and alkaline media, Indian J Chem.Soc,81,1083-1092 (2004)
- R Jain, S Sharma, S V Manoj, S P Bansal and K S Gupta. Application of titanium dioxide semi conductor photocatalysis in the photo mineralization of dyes in textile industry effluents Indian J Environ Protection., 23, 63-68 (2004)
- D S N Prasad, R K Mehta, P Parashar,PVS Madnawat, A Rani, U Singh, S V Manoj , S P Bansal and K S Gupta Kinetics of surface-catalyzed autoxidation of aqueous sulfur dioxide in cobalt(III) oxide suspensions, Indian J Chem.Soc,80,391-394 (2003)
- K S Gupta, P Bhargava and S V Manoj, Kinetic of diammine silver(I) catalysed oxidation of sulphur(IV) by dioxygen in ammonia buffers. Trans. Met Chem. 26, 71- 75 (2001)
- Manoj S V, C D Mishra, Rani A, S P Bansal and K S Gupta, Iron, copper and manganese concentrations in rain water samples in two urban sites in western India and the kinetics of oxidation of sulphur dioxide , Atmospheric Environment 34, 4479-4486 (2000).
- K S Gupta, P Bhargava and Manoj S V, Kinetics of tetrammine copper(II) catalysed oxidation of sulphur(IV) by peroxodisulphate in ammonia buffer. Trans. Met Chem., 25, 274-278 (2000)
- K S Gupta, P Bhargava, Manoj S V and R Bhargava, Kinetics and mechanism of silver(I) catalysed autoxidation of aqueous sulphur(IV) in acetate buffered medium, Trans. Met Chem., 25, 329-332 (2000)
- S V Manoj, R Singh, M Sharma and K S Gupta, Kinetics and mechanism of heterogeneous cadmium sulphide and homogeneous manganese(II) catalysed oxidation of sulphur(IV) by dioxygen in acetate buffered medium. Indian J Chem., 39A, 507-521 (2000)
- S V Manoj, M Sharma and K S Gupta, Role of cuprous oxide in the autoxidation of aqueous sulphur dioxide and its atmospheric implications, Atmospheric Environment, 33, 1503-1512 ( 1999).
- K S Gupta, R Singh, D Saxena, Manoj S V and M Sharma, Role of manganese dioxide in the oxidation of aqueous aqueous sulphur(IV) in oxic and anoxic suspensions., Indian J Chem., 38, 1129 – 1138 (1999).
- R Jain, Manoj S V and K S Gupta, Removal of dyes from textile dyeing and printing industry effluents through charcoal as an adsorbent, Indian J Environ Protection., 19, 36 – 42 (1999)
- K S Gupta, P Bhargava and S V Manoj, Kinetics of silver(I) catalysed oxidation of sulphur(IV) by peroxo disulphate , Indian J Chem. 38A, 692- 697 (1999).
- K S Gupta, S V Manojand M Sharma , The catalytic role of metal oxides, flyash and atmospheric dust in the acidification of rain water. Changes in Global climate due to Natural and Human activities., Allied Publishers, New Delhi , 1997.
- K S Gupta, S V Manoj and M Sharma, The role of thermal power plant fly ash in acid rain, Techno science publications, Jaipur, 81 – 90 (1998).
- KS Gupta, SV Manoj, Madhu Sharma, The Catalytic Role of Metal Oxides, Flyash and Atmospheric Dust in the Acidification of Rain Water IGBP Symposium on Changes in Global Climate Due to Natural and Human Activities, January 15-17, 1997 Allied Publishers (India)
Books Published
- Dr.Manoj S V and Syamchand S S ,Chemistry: Its Origin, Methodology and Impacts, Authors press (2021)
- Dr.Manoj S V and Syamchand S S ,Methodology & Perspectives of Sciences and General Informatics, Sujilee Publications (2013)
Research Projects Undertaken
- Design and Synthesis of PAMAM Dendrimer based Nanogel for Drug Delivery Applications and Green Catalysis, KSCSTE , SAARD Scheme 2020
- Nano particle catalyzed and metal oxide catalyzed oxidation of aqueous SO2 F.MRP(S)-0740/13-14/KLKE057/UGC-SWRO dated 28.3.2014 Rs.1.94 lakhs
Refresher Courses Attended
- UGC¬Approved Short¬Term Professional Development Programme Under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching Professional Development Programme on ‘Implementation of NEP¬2020 for University and College Teachers’ 201.2023 to-¬29.1. 2023
- Short-Term Faculty Development Programme on “PEDAGOGICAL AND E-LEARNING TOOLS FORTEACHING” 04th -10th August 2020, organized by Sanatana Dharma College, Alappuzha in collaboration with The Kerala State Higher Education Council
- Higher education road ahead , developing next generation academic leaders, November 25- December 01, 2020, Department of Commerce & IQAC, Sri Venkateswara College University of Delhi In Collaboration with Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching Teaching Learning Centre,Ramanujan College
- UGC sponsored Short term course in Research Methodology, UGC – HRDC, Thiruvananthapuram 22.11.2018 to 29.11.2018
Seminars/Workshops/Trainings Organised
- 14-06-2021 to 21-06-2021,Eight Days Faculty Development Programme on‘OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION’ organized by IQAC, Sree Narayana College,Kollam in academic collaboration with Kerala State Higher Education Council
- 17-23 August 2020Coordinator: FDP on ICT tools for teaching learning process- post pandemic strategies Organised by IQAC and Department of Physics, Sree Narayana College, Kollam in academic collaboration with Kerala state higher education council.
- 27/5/2020 Coordinator : One day orientation programme organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Sree Narayana College, Kollam
- 27-28 March 2017 Joint Coordinator : Two day workshop on “Research Methodology, Writing Practices, Languages and Soft Skills jointly organised by Research Development Cell, IQAC & Department of Chemistry, SN College Kollam.
- 9.1.2017 Coordinator : Curtain Raiser Programme : As a prelude to the 29th Kerala Science Congress 2017programme was jointly organised by Research cell of IQAC, JNTBGRI Thiruvananthapuram and Kerala state council for Science , Technology and Environment. Sree Narayana College, Kollam.
- 16/07/2016 Coordinator : One day orientation programme on e-resources ( for arts stream) Resource person : Dr. Vijayakumar K P
- 13/07/2016 Coordinator : One day orientation programme on e- resources ( for science stream) Resource person : Dr. Vijayakumar K P
- 15/9/2015 Convener : Ozone day observance 2015 Organised by department of Chemistry, Sree Narayana College, Kollam
- 5,6 November 2014 Convener : UGC sponsored National seminar on Green approach to meet the challenges in Chemical Industry
Seminars/Conferences Attended
- Online training on planted aquarium: Basic techniques and trouble shooting . Organised by IQAC and Health club Sree Narayana College, Kollam as part of skill up @lockdown2020 ,30.8.2020
- Webinar on the impact of covid 19 on Youth. Organised by Health club, Career guidance and counseling cell and IQAC ,Sree Narayana College, Kollam29.8.2020
- Webinar on Mental health and coping with stress, Health club Organised by Dept. of philosophy, NSS, Health club, and IQAC ,Sree Narayana College, Kollam 25.8.2020
- Webinar on aquariums, A journey from hobby to education to business. Organised by IQAC and Health club Sree Narayana College, Kollam, 19.8.2020
- Webinar on Biotechnological advances in neuroscience .Organised by IQAC and Health club Sree Narayana College, Kollam,16.8.2020
Academic Responsibilities Undertaken
- Chairman, Board of examinations, I semester B.Sc. Chemistry examinations 2023
- Chairman, Board of examinations, III semester B.Sc. Chemistry examinations June 2022
- Member PG Board of studies in Chemistry , University of Kerala 2020
- Chairman, Board of examinations, VI semester B.Sc. Chemistry examinations June 2020
- Chairman, Board of examinations, II semester FDP ,CBCS B.Sc. Chemistry examinations June 2019
- Member Board of studies in Environmental science , University of Kerala 2018
- Chairman, Board of examinations, I semester B.Sc. Chemistry examinations March 2018
- Chairman, Board of examinations, M.Sc. Chemistry(mercy chance) examinations March 2016
- Chairman , Board of examinations for the first and third semester career related FDP under CBCSS examination November, December 2013 ( EB VI/2014 dated 19.2.2014).
- Chairman, Board of examinations B.Sc. Restructured supplementary Chemistry examination March – April 2014 ( EB VI dated 7.5.2014)
- Chief examiner/ Additional examiner , Board of examinations- B.Sc. and M.Sc. Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry University of Kerala
- Member Mal practice Prevention Squad , University of Kerala 2011
Duties Performed at College
- Coordinator,Internal quality assurance cell, Sree Narayana College, Kollam 2018 onwards.
- Convener Purchase committee, Sree Narayana College, Kollam 2017 onwards
- Coordinator DST- FIST , Sree Narayana College, Kollam 2017
- Coordinator RUSA , Sree Narayana College, Kollam 2017-18
- Coordinator Research cell , Sree Narayana College, Kollam 2016-18
- Member , Internal quality assurance cell, Sree Narayana College, Kollam 2015-16
- Coordinator,Internal quality assurance cell, Sree Narayana College, Chathannur 2012-15
- Co coordinator Red ribbon club Sree Narayana College, Chathannur 2011-15
- Programme Officer , National service Scheme, Sree Narayana College, Punalur 2009-11
- Programme Officer , National service Scheme, Sree Narayana College, Chathannur 2011-13
- Coordinator ASAP, Sree Narayana College, Chathannur 2014
- PTA Secretary , Sree Narayana College, Chathannur 2012-13
- Coordinator, Internal quality assurance cell, Sree Narayana College, Punalur 2009