A campus Placement was organized by the Dept of Economics in association with Zodak, A Chennai based Recruitment Agency on 23-7-2019 for UG &PG students of all the Departments in the seminar hall of Economics Department.Students from various departments participated. Dr Jayasre.S Head of Department of Economics welcomed the gathering. Dr .R Sunil kumar, Principal S.N,College delivered the presidential address. The recruitment was undertaken for the post of HR Recruiters, BPO, Health Care , Voice Process and Banking ( Assistant Managers ) All students who possessed Pan Card were eligible for the written exam.Out of 9 students who wrote the exam 7 students were selected and offer letters were sent to them. They include the following students.
- Rahul Krishnan
- Anjali.M
- Sreeja.S
- Gautam Gireesh
- Aleena .B.Raj
- Reshma Rajan
- Kavya