Zoology Department


Zoology Department

Department of Zoology was established on 1948. During the academic year 1955-1956, Dr. K. S. PadmanabhaIyer, a retired Professor of Zoology from University College, Thiruvananthapuram was appointed for five years by the great educationist and visionary Shri. R. Shankar, founder of S. N. Trusts. It was he; whose expertise and dedicated efforts laid the foundation for growth of this department. During Dr. Iyer’s period, the department also started a marine station at Thangasseri, Kollam, to document and study on the diverse marine fauna, It was a unique and pioneer effort taken by a college under Kerala University at that time. Very Rare specimens, skeletons of whales and dolphins etc, in the zoology museum of the department is an ample testimony of the work done by marine center. The centre was frequently visited by Dr. C. C John, Director of Research, Department of Marine Biology, University of Tranvancore, on 6th of August, 1955 and by Dr. Soot Ryan, Director, Tromsco Museum, Norway on 24th February 1956. M.Sc. Zoology was started in 1964 and Ph D was started in 1976.

During 1965, a collaborative research project on the effects of radiation on animals was carried out under the collaborators, Dr. P. Ramachandran, our faculty member and Dr. Grun Berg from London University. In 1966, research activities were initiated and Museum, Laboratory and Departmental Library were developed.

Bachelor Degree Programme in Industrial Fish & Fisheries was started in 1997. During 2014, one-year P.G. Diploma in Biomedical Sciences (PGDMS) under innovative programme (UGC 11th plan) was introduced.

During these years, a number of well qualified and dedicated teachers served here. Many retired academics have continued their service in foreign Universities and other educational institutions. Many of the research activities and events of the Department was also externally funded by many agencies like U.G.C. and state governments. Other than academic achievements, many of our alumni have fetched laurels for the college in various extracurricular activities, most of them are in covetable positions. Thus, more than 72 years, Department has not only imparted subject knowledge but also successfully moulded the characters of all, those who have been fortunate enough to be part of it, making them better human beings and responsible citizens.

Pioneers of the Department

Pioneers of the Department & Distinguished Positions Held by them (Eg. Principal, HOD, Research Guide, Members of Academic bodies etc.

Sl. No. Name Designation Other distinguished positions held Remarks
1 DR K S PADMANABHA IYER Head of the Department Professor of Zoology, University College, Thiruvananthapuram
2 SIVAPRASAD S Head of the Department Principal, Various S.N. Colleges
3 DR S RAMACHANDRAN Head of the Department
4 KRISHNAKUMARI B Head of the Department
5 KUSUMAKUMARI Head of the Department
6 DR N RAMANUJAN Head of the Department Research guide of University of Kerala and M.G. University
7 SKANDAN P Head of the Department
8 JAYASREE K P Head of the Department
9 RADHAMMA A P Head of the Department
10 DR BINDHU Reader Research Guide of University of Kerala Produced 3 PhD
11 DR M JAYAKUMARI Head of the Department Member, P.G. Board of Studies (Zoology)
12 SUDHA S Head of the Department
13 DR J SREEJA Head of the Department Research guide of University of Kerala, Principal in charge, S. N. College for Women.
Member, UG & PG Board of studies (Zoology), University of Kerala
14 DR P S SHERLY Head of the Department Member, UG & PG Board of studies (Zoology), University of Kerala
15 DR S SAINUDEEN SAHIB Head of the Department Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Kerala
16 DR S USHA Assistant Professor Member, U.G. Board of Studies (Zoology)
17 DR SHERLY P ANAND Associate Professor Principal, Various S. N. Colleges


  • Undergraduate Courses: B Sc Zoology

  • Postgraduate Course: M Sc Zoology

  • Ph.D: Ph.D Zoology

  • P.G. Diploma: P G Diploma in Biomedical Science

  • Certificate Courses:

    • Aquarium Fabrication & Maintenance
    • Apiculture

Zoology Department